My name is Austin Auth, and it appears you've crash landed on my portfolio site, I'd love it if you stuck around for a bit.
I'm a Senior Product Designer working out of Austin, Texas. Currently I work at Microsoft, and before that I spent time at IBM Cloud, Pluralsight and ActiveProspect. During my time as a Product Designer I've developed skills across: UX and visual design, user research, design thinking, team process, stakeholder management, cloud and billing. I firmly believe the best user experiences come from happy, cross-functional teams participating in the design process together. Outside of design, my passions are relatively eclectic. I love retro sci-fi & horror movies, I'm currently learning 3D modeling, my retro video game collection is fast approaching 2,000 games, and I'm a massive fan of Japanese Pro Wrestling.
Work history
Austin Auth - Resume© Austin Auth 2022